What is Canine Massage Therapy?


Massage can be loosely defined as the touch of the physical, energetic body with a focus on healing. An ancient practice, massage has been recognized for centuries the world over as one of the ultimate forms of “hands-on healing.” Many animals are known to have similar central nervous systems to humans so it makes sense that what may be healing, therapeutic, and pleasurable for a person would be just as beneficial to an animal.

Dogs have a very positive reaction to massage; indeed, everybody knows that you pet your dog with a mind toward the animal’s well-being and pleasure. Massage takes petting to a mutually beneficial level, and ANGELS ON FOUR is proud to help you open this door to a whole new and fulfilling relationship with your friend, your dog. 

Dog owners know how much work goes into training an animal to understand words and commands. What we sometimes forget is that dogs instinctively sense our energy and body language in ways that are more profound and sensitive than mere spoken words—dogs sense danger, anger, happiness, sadness, and many times, sickness or impending death. Dogs have a marvelous ability to pick up on communication and feelings through massage. As your animal relaxes and enjoys the comfort and physical sensation of your hands, trust, and peace of mind build up as tension gently erodes away.


Benefits of Massage Therapy

  • Reduces stress & relaxes the body

  • Increases the flexibility of soft tissue

  • Reduces swelling

  • Aids in elimination of bodily waste & toxins

  • Helps maintain good posture & body balance

  • Improves athletic performance

  • Loosens & softens scar tissue

  • Prevents atrophy in inactive muscles

  • Releases endorphins

  • Enhances muscle tone & range of motion

  • Addresses behavioral problems

Naturally, massage is also beneficial to the physical health of dogs, just as with humans. Stretching and working out knots and sore areas (due to age, disease, strain, injury, or a combination of these) help to speed recovery and improve range of motion. Circulation of blood to the muscles is a known factor in alleviating pain. For dogs with chronic problems, such as arthritis, massage treatments can be extremely effective. Massage works with the muscle to restore diminished elasticity and position, not unlike turning back the clock and restoring youth (or at least youthfulness). Of course, it goes without saying that among the many health benefits, massage is also enjoyable for the dog too, and that’s half the fun! Dogs thrive on being handled, loved, and massaged. 

Massage is a time-honored method that reduces stress and tension and almost always supplies a feeling of calmness and well-being to both the dog and dog owner. With over 20 years of canine massage experience, ANGELS ON FOUR would be pleased to provide you with additional information about massage programs, cost-saving packages, and personalized evaluations and recommendations to put you on your way to a more HEALTHY, HAPPY, LOVING dog.


Understanding Behavioral Therapy